I don't know what that is all about, Warsaw is an amazing city. After I found my hostel (which took an hour of me asking people on a street corner that the hostel was on), I've been really enjoying the city.

I don't really know how to take a picture that shows how cool the city is... so I'll just put another sel-ca picture:

In case anybody has been wondering what I do for food... I'm actually living incredibly cheap. And when I say 'incredibly,' I mean stupid cheap. I'm probably living on less than 1 euro per day for food. I manage to get a lot of free food from hostel "leftovers" (when people leave, they dont want to bring the food back with them, so there is usually a 'for free' cupboard). And then I've been buying a lot of rice, oats, granola and pasta in bulk, which keeps me going for a long long long time. And then when I want to make a meal, I'll buy some stuff to go with the pasta (for example) for like 50 euro cents, and I've got myself a meal. The picture is an example of my new specialty: The 20 minute lasagna.

WOW!! IMPOSSIBLE!!! I'll starve to death if I spend only that much everyday!!!