I've got about a months worth of pictures on my camera... I figure I might as well go through them piece by piece. First post with pictures, I might as well show people where I'm at. I live in a suburb of Seoul, but the suburb itself has a million people living in it (bigger than Ottawa). So it's not like I live in the middle of nowhere. This is the street that I live off of:

... and is also what everything looks like around where I live.
Most nights I'll go for a walk, and study Korean while I'm walking. I usually walk down here:

Me in the morning of my first day of being a working-man:

I've also discovered a new bus that is WAY quicker than the bus that I used to take, and it brings me to a station that is much closer to Seoul. If everything works out and I catch everything on time, I can get to the center of Seoul in 45-50 minutes :).
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