Sunday, November 14, 2010

Perfect in Seoul

To make an incredibly (and incredible) long story short: I met a girl when I was traveling this past summer. It's one of those things, there were SO many things that could have changed where I would have been when I met her. I mean, so many different places I could have been at that moment. So many times on my trip, I randomly selected the amount of days I was going to stay in a specific country/city. When I was planning the Hungary part (as I was traveling with my friend Elly), her and I decided spend 3 nights in Budapest. Hell, why not. It's a good, thing, too, because if I would have only been there for two nights, I wouldn't have met her:
I was sitting in the hostel in Budapest, much much much earlier than I would have ever been back sitting in the hostel, but Elly was leaving the next day (by plane), so she was packing. So we both came back early for her to pack. Anyways, as I'm sitting there this (obviously) Korean girl walks by me. At the time I was debating on whether or not I would talk to her. I always wanted to practice my Korean (and shock Korean people), so I went up to her and asked her "why are you here?" in Korean. And then that was it...

We only had a day together (less than 24 hours), but I think we both realized there was something there. We kept in touch after my trip, but we didn't really know what was going to happen. She was living in Dublin (studying English for a while), and I was moving to Seoul, where she wouldn't be for a while. While I was in Canada waiting to move to Korea, we sort of thought it might be possible for me to fly to Dublin to see her before I went to Seoul. It seemed like a good idea, as crazy as it may have been, so I did it. Obviously I was (and she was) really nervous about the whole thing, as its not very often you fly to see somebody after only spending a day together.

Everything in Dublin went amazingly well. I'd say things in Dublin were perfect, but after being with her here in Seoul, I guess I have a different definition of perfect. We had 5 days together, and I couldn't have asked for anything to be any better. We went on some little random day trips, and I was actually able to show her around, as I had been there only a few months earlier (at the start of my Europe trip). Nice shot of us at the top of some mountain we hiked:
Just one picture to show how incredibly cute she is:

So, after spending 5 days with her in Dublin, I had to leave her again to go to Seoul - her hometown, but where she wouldn't be until February. Just like after our time in Hungary, we continued to talk after we left each other. I'm incredibly lucky that I had the balls to go to Dublin, because if I didn't, we wouldn't have realized how amazing everything is between us. Things went so good, I somehow got her to come back to Seoul.
Things since she came back (a few weeks ago) have been absolutely perfect... and its amazing knowing that we have time to spend with each other for once.
I've even been able to meet some of her family, like this weekend when she invited me to her place to have some real home cooked Korean food with her brother:

1 comment:

  1. She is super cute Will! Glad things are going well for you over in Korea.. Things are good here in England as well. Mike is coming to visit TOMORROW! Anyways, I hadn;t checked out your blog in a while so I thought I'd better and look at the good news! Well, happy holidays!!!
    -Jess Morrow xx
